Mr. Kishore Sieunarine
Vascular and Endovascular surgery is headed by Mr Kishore Sieunarine who has been part of the profession for over 25 years in WA. Kishore is a well known surgeon across Western Australia for his quality of work, patient care and dedication to the profession by assisting The Lions Club and Rotary Australia in charity clinics. He has been a specialist for many years, continuing to increase his personal standard in vascular and endovascular surgery every year.
Mr. Sieunarine began his training in England at The Royal College for Surgeons where he earned his certificate for general surgery. Mr Sieunarine continued smoothly into his specialty of vascular surgery in Edinburgh and secondly in Western Australia.
As previous Head of Vascular Surgery at Royal Perth Hospital he has a high level of dedication to the profession and its research in the advance of modern medicine. Mr. Sieunarine is currently involved in research with Royal Perth Hospital to increase the productivity of endoluminal grafts. This research benefits patients and modern medicine in the field of vascular and endovascular surgery. Please view other publications by Mr Sieunarine on our publications page.
Mr Sieunarine is the one of a select few vascular surgeons who has been accredited by the Royal College of Surgeons for Recognition of Training in Peripheral Endovascular Therapy. Mr Sieunarine has been recognised for Carotid Stenting and Fenestrated/ Branched Endografting, the only endovascular categories at this time. Mr Sieunarine is also an Australian and New Zealand Surgical Skills Education and Training (ASSET) instructor, furthering the education and surgical techniques in student surgeons.
Mr. Sieunarine travels across Western Australia to provide his services to metropolitan and regional patients. The main consultation rooms are located in Hollywood Medical Centre, for appointments please call the office on (08) 9386 9855.