Mr. Kishore Sieunarine


Kishore Headshot 10.2016

Vas­cu­lar and Endovas­cu­lar surgery is head­ed by Mr Kishore Sie­u­nar­ine who has been part of the pro­fes­sion for over 25 years in WA. Kishore is a well known sur­geon across West­ern Aus­tralia for his qual­i­ty of work, patient care and ded­i­ca­tion to the pro­fes­sion by assist­ing The Lions Club and Rotary Aus­tralia in char­i­ty clin­ics. He has been a spe­cial­ist for many years, con­tin­u­ing to increase his per­son­al stan­dard in vas­cu­lar and endovas­cu­lar surgery every year.

Mr. Sie­u­nar­ine began his train­ing in Eng­land at The Roy­al Col­lege for Sur­geons where he earned his cer­tifi­cate for gen­er­al surgery. Mr Sie­u­nar­ine con­tin­ued smooth­ly into his spe­cial­ty of vas­cu­lar surgery in Edin­burgh and sec­ond­ly in West­ern Australia.

As pre­vi­ous Head of Vas­cu­lar Surgery at Roy­al Perth Hos­pi­tal he has a high lev­el of ded­i­ca­tion to the pro­fes­sion and its research in the advance of mod­ern med­i­cine. Mr. Sie­u­nar­ine is cur­rent­ly involved in research with Roy­al Perth Hos­pi­tal to increase the pro­duc­tiv­i­ty of endo­lu­mi­nal grafts. This research ben­e­fits patients and mod­ern med­i­cine in the field of vas­cu­lar and endovas­cu­lar surgery. Please view oth­er pub­li­ca­tions by Mr Sie­u­nar­ine on our pub­li­ca­tions page.

Mr Sie­u­nar­ine is the one of a select few vas­cu­lar sur­geons who has been accred­it­ed by the Roy­al Col­lege of Sur­geons for Recog­ni­tion of Train­ing in Periph­er­al Endovas­cu­lar Ther­a­py. Mr Sie­u­nar­ine has been recog­nised for Carotid Stent­ing and Fenestrated/ Branched Endo­graft­ing, the only endovas­cu­lar cat­e­gories at this time. Mr Sie­u­nar­ine is also an Aus­tralian and New Zealand Sur­gi­cal Skills Edu­ca­tion and Train­ing (ASSET) instruc­tor, fur­ther­ing the edu­ca­tion and sur­gi­cal tech­niques in stu­dent surgeons.

Mr. Sie­u­nar­ine trav­els across West­ern Aus­tralia to pro­vide his ser­vices to met­ro­pol­i­tan and region­al patients. The main con­sul­ta­tion rooms are locat­ed in Hol­ly­wood Med­ical Cen­tre, for appoint­ments please call the office on (08) 9386 9855.