Dr Sieunarine Publications

Throught Dr Sie­u­nar­ine’s career he has con­tributed exten­sive­ly to research and devel­op­ment of Vas­cu­lar and Endovas­cu­lar techiniques. These have been proven for bet­ter results in patients in the short and long term recov­ery. Please find some of the many arti­cles Dr Sie­u­nar­ine has been involved with.

June 2008

Journal of Vascular Surgery

Stent­ing for carotid artery steno­sis: Frac­tures, pro­posed eti­ol­o­gy and the need for surveillance

Jour­nal of Vas­cu­lar Surgery June 2008 article

October 2005

ANZ Journal of Surgery

An arti­cle writ­ten with Dr Sie­u­nar­ine, along side his col­leagues, is ‘Popliteal artery injury: Roy­al Perth expe­ri­ence and lit­er­a­ture review’ which is fea­tured in the ANZ Jour­nal of Surgery.

July 2004

ANZ Journal of Surgery

Dr Sie­u­nar­ine has con­duct­ed many stud­ies dur­ing his time in the Vas­cu­lar indus­try. One being a pub­li­ca­tion pub­lished in the ANZ Jour­nal of Surgery. The research was on ‘Pseudomonas aerug­i­nosa infect­ed aneurysm of the super­fi­cial femoral artery’. This arti­cle will be avail­able online in a cou­ple on months.

December 2000

Journal of Endovascular Therapy

‘Hybrid Open-Endo­lu­mi­nal Tech­nique for Repair of Tho­ra­coab­dom­i­nal Aneurysm Involv­ing the Celi­ac Axis’, please click below to view full article.
Jour­nal of Endovas­cu­lar ther­a­py arti­cle Decem­ber 2000