Ablation Treatment
Venous Ablation
We offer a venous ablation service at the Hollywood Medical Centre. Our surgeon Mr Sieunarine performs three types of ablation; endovenous laser ablation, Radiofrequency vein ablation and VenaSeal glue treatment.
Ablation treatments are a low risk alternative to varicose veins ligation or stripping. The procedure is done in our dedicated vein clinic in Nedlands.

Venous ablation treatments target the main veins within the leg. Additional treatments may be needed on the residual surface veins.
There is very little down time for ablation treatments. You are encouraged to resume normal activities an hour after your treatment. You cannot drive home afterwards. Each treatment takes approximately an hour to complete.
It is recommended you do not fly for four weeks after the treatment has been performed. Your risk of deep vein thrombosis is increased directly after vein treatments.
Venous treatments range from $1,500 — $2,000 per leg depending on your medical history and personal preference. Not all venous treatments are suitable for all patients. There is a small Medicare rebate for each procedure.
All other medical appointments with Dr Sieunarine are bulk billed. This includes initial consultation, follow-up consultation, ultrasound and venous injections. Your only put of pocket cost will be the venous treatment and medical compression stockings.
The medical compression stockings are required after each venous treatment, they are to worn for four to six weeks afterwards. Stockings must be less than six months old, even if they have never been used.
Please contact the office on (08) 9386 9855 or reception@westcoastvascular.com.au for additional information.
Current waiting times for venous treatment is approximately three months.