Ablation Treatment

Venous Ablation

We offer a venous abla­tion ser­vice at the Hol­ly­wood Med­ical Cen­tre. Our sur­geon Mr Sie­u­nar­ine per­forms three types of abla­tion; endove­nous laser abla­tion, Radiofre­quen­cy vein abla­tion and VenaSeal glue treatment.

Abla­tion treat­ments are a low risk alter­na­tive to vari­cose veins lig­a­tion or strip­ping. The pro­ce­dure is done in our ded­i­cat­ed vein clin­ic in Nedlands.

Venous abla­tion treat­ments tar­get the main veins with­in the leg. Addi­tion­al treat­ments may be need­ed on the resid­ual sur­face veins.

There is very lit­tle down time for abla­tion treat­ments. You are encour­aged to resume nor­mal activ­i­ties an hour after your treat­ment. You can­not dri­ve home after­wards. Each treat­ment takes approx­i­mate­ly an hour to complete.

It is rec­om­mend­ed you do not fly for four weeks after the treat­ment has been per­formed. Your risk of deep vein throm­bo­sis is increased direct­ly after vein treatments.

Venous treat­ments range from $1,500 — $2,000 per leg depend­ing on your med­ical his­to­ry and per­son­al pref­er­ence. Not all venous treat­ments are suit­able for all patients. There is a small Medicare rebate for each procedure.

All oth­er med­ical appoint­ments with Dr Sie­u­nar­ine are bulk billed. This includes ini­tial con­sul­ta­tion, fol­low-up con­sul­ta­tion, ultra­sound and venous injec­tions. Your only put of pock­et cost will be the venous treat­ment and med­ical com­pres­sion stockings.

The med­ical com­pres­sion stock­ings are required after each venous treat­ment, they are to worn for four to six weeks after­wards. Stock­ings must be less than six months old, even if they have nev­er been used.

Please con­tact the office on (08) 9386 9855 or reception@westcoastvascular.com.au for addi­tion­al information.

Cur­rent wait­ing times for venous treat­ment is approx­i­mate­ly three months.