
Consultation Address

West­min­ster clin­ics are held at West­min­ster Spe­cial­ist Cen­tre, 476 Wan­neroo Road Westminster.

For all appoint­ments please call the office on 9386 9855.

Clin­ics are held fort­night­ly on a Wednes­day afternoon.

What to bring

All you need to bring to an appoint­ment to see Mr Sie­u­nar­ine is your medicare card. All con­sul­ta­tions are cov­ered by the medicare rebate. How­ev­er, you will need to make sure your ref­fer­al from your GP or spe­cial­ist is valid or you will need to cov­er the cost of the consultation.

Please Note: Dr Sie­u­nar­ine will run late on occa­sions as emer­gency pro­ce­dures can occur. We under­stand this can be frus­trat­ing at times, and we thank-you for your understanding.