Injection Treatment

Varicose veins and Spider vein injections

Vari­cose Veins can be treat­ed by the injec­tion of aethoxyscle­ol flu­id direct­ly into the veins. The aethoxysklerol acts as a glue to bind the veins togeth­er, essen­tial­ly stop­ping the vein from work­ing. The pro­ce­dure will pre­vent oede­ma, ulcer­a­tion, pain and fatigue in the affect­ed leg. The treat­ment is basi­cal­ly pain­less with a very small nee­dle being used.

It can take up to 8 weeks to see the full effect of your treatments.

There is no down time for this pro­ce­dure. You are encour­aged to return to nor­mal activ­i­ties an hour after your treatment.

You will not be able to fly for 4 weeks after your treatment.

Med­ical com­pres­sion stock­ings are to be worn for 4 weeks after your treat­ment. These are a class 2 30mmHg grad­u­at­ed compression.

Stain­ing and small lumps are nor­mal after injec­tions. These will resolve with time. Res­o­lu­tion of stain­ing and lumps varies for each patient.

Our injec­tions are bulk billed to Medicare of DVA. You will have to pur­chase the med­ical com­pres­sion stock­ings. The stock­ings vary from $100 — $170 per pair.

We rec­om­mend con­tin­u­ing to wear med­ical com­pres­sion stock­ings after your have had any venous treat­ments performed.

Please con­tact the office on (08) 9386 9855 or if you would like addi­tion­al information.