Varicose Veins

Varicose VeinsWhat are varicose veins?

Vari­cose veins are a med­ical con­di­tion that affects the small­er veins in the body by caus­ing them to be seen under the skins sur­face. Vari­cose veins can occur any­where on the body, how­ev­er they are most com­mon on the legs and feet. The veins are often small and are not harm­ful to the body. It is only on occa­sion that they are detri­men­tal to phys­i­cal health.

Why do varicose veins occur?

Vari­cose Veins are a result of blood flow in the veins being dis­turbed by the force of grav­i­ty. It is the force that the veins endure as they are attempt­ing to cir­cu­late blood back to the heart that caus­es vari­cose veins. The veins can occur any­where on the body, how­ev­er they are most com­mon on the legs and feet, sim­ply because of stand­ing and walking.

How are varicose veins treated?

There are many dif­fer­ent pro­ce­dures that can effec­tive­ly reduce the var­i­ous veins if they are detri­men­tal to your health.

Having a procedure?

If you would like more infor­ma­tion on prepar­ing for a pro­ce­dure please down­load the PDF attach­ment below. It has infor­ma­tion on how to pre­pare for a pro­ce­dure, what to expect and what to do after surgery.

Vari­cose Veins brochure