
West­Coast Vas­cu­lar has many dif­fer­ent ser­vices for dif­fer­ent vas­cu­lar con­di­tions. Ser­vices are all bulk billed direct­ly to Medicare or DVA, regard­less if you are a pub­lic or pri­vate patient.

Please select a ser­vice below for more information.

Clinical Services

Vas­cu­lar Ultrasound Our ultra­sound lab­o­ra­to­ry is sit­u­at­ed in the Hol­ly­wood Med­ical Cen­tre with state of the art machine and soft­ware. Vas­cu­lar Ultra­sound is a diag­nos­tic ser­vice used to find vas­cu­lar con­di­tions and plan treatment.
Doppler and Blood Flow Tests Doppler Exer­cise tests and Ankle Brachial Index (ABI) test­ing is locat­ed in the Hol­ly­wood Med­ical Cen­tre. Doppler tests and ABI’s are used to mea­sure the blood flow in the legs.
Ion­tophore­sis Ion­tophore­sis is a ther­a­peu­tic treat­ment for Hyper­hy­dro­sis, exces­sive sweat­ing, that reduces sweat­ing temporarily.Treatments are avail­able in the Ned­lands office.
Com­pres­sion Stockings Com­pres­sion stock­ings are used for many dif­fer­ent vas­cu­lar con­di­tions to increase the blood flow and strength in the legs. Stock­ings are sold and mea­sured from the Hol­ly­wood Med­ical Centre.

Procedural Services

Vari­cose Veins  Veins that are vis­i­ble on the sur­face of the skin, can come in many dif­fer­ent sizes.
Hyper­hidro­sis  Exces­sive sweat­ing from the palms, feet and underarms.
Aneurysm  Bal­loon­ing of an artery with­in the body.
Arte­r­i­al Bypass  A bypass which is insert­ed in an artery to improve blood flow.

More information coming soon!

Dia­bet­ic Feet

Angiograms/ Angio­plas­ty

Stents/ Bal­loon­ing
