Payment Information

Patient Payment Information

Dr Sie­u­nar­ine con­sults and oper­ates at the medicare rebate for all pub­lic and pri­vate patients. Dr Sie­u­nar­ine also bulk bills vet­er­ans affairs patients.

Com­pres­sion gar­ments can be pur­chased from the rooms at a dis­count­ed price, there is no rebate from Medicare for com­pres­sion gar­ments. Some pri­vate health funds will issue rebates for com­pres­sion garments.

Injec­tion ther­a­py and laser pro­ce­dures incur an out of pock­et cost, some of which can be claimed back from Medicare.

All ultra­sounds and Doppler tests will be cov­ered at the medicare rebate. This is for Dr Sie­u­nar­ine’s patients and oth­er refer­rers who use our services.